Fredrik Norén



By working with the ordinary and well known I´m attempting to acquire a new understanding for the environment we live in and create a situation where its building parts no longer are taken for granted. I want to decimate the functional object into mere form in order to determine what functions enter when the prior ones are eliminated and to present the beauty of everyday objects in a new light. It´s my aim to twist the well known to a degree where it stands on the borderline to minimalistic sculpture, without ever fully crossing over into pure abstraction. There are always details remaining that inevitably reminds of the original purpose of the object. In this way the new, altered object illustrates an embellished decay, where the lack of function seems beautiful.

Back down, 2010
Palette pallet, 2010
Layers/Canvas (vertically centered), 2010
Layers/Quadruple canvas, 2010
Appearing structure, 2010
Screwup, 2010